Mission Commission – January, 2012

Amnesty International

Please come to the Amnesty table in Fellowship Hall on the second Sunday of each month, to sign letters and petitions requesting justice  for those who are being unfairly treated around the world.

Caroline Blaney, youth elder

Jan Peek Volunteers

January 28: Ben Child and friends from Yorktown High School

February 25: Confirmation Class; March 25: Humphrey & Santagata families

Call Bud Coccodrilli (245-6475)if you can help.

Thank you to: Chessa and Darreff families for the December dinner.

Alternative Giving Market A Success

Thanks for your amazing support for our big International project for the year, the Alternative Giving Christmas  Market. Heifer International was especially successful, in comparison to other years. We raised $1,385.00!! Last year we raised only $130 and the average for other years has been roughly $500-600. KUDOS to all of you.

Our Water Project also did quite well, considering that it  had to “compete” with Heifer International and the “water buffaloes.” We hope to have a destination for this water system in the coming month–we’ll  keep you posted!

Our Fair Trade market sold $860 worth of goods. This year we had a good number that needed to be sold in a FIRE SALE, for reduced cost, or even given away to avoid incurring  large shipping costs for returns. So although we did not do as well as usual, we still raised $860 that went to the Fair Trade Co-ops and their artisans!

Thank you for helping us to give the world a present, many of them! Thanks also for helping us to teach the children about other ways of giving that benefit so many and can show God’s love and theirs, especially at Christmas.

Heidi Haring, The Moved by the Spirit Center
