Mental Health Team – Our Ministry

“Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrows…call on me, when you’re not strong and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on …”


Reduce stigma and isolation for those struggling with mental health and emotional challenges. This ministry started by providing education through pamphlets, books, training sessions, and encouraging more prayer and openness. This is an on-going area of concern and will continue as this ministry develops.

Remind us of our hope in Jesus Christ to transcend circumstances and sustain us even when the work around us seems hopeless. Develop spiritual and prayer practices that increase hope. We offer group events several times each year with silent centering prayer and calming breathing techniques. We also seek to support each other through prayer and listening. As this ministry grows more information and opportunities will be offered.

Create a caring atmosphere so all can feel safe to share their burdens, instead of reaching a point of desperation and isolation, and encourage us as a congregation to reach out when we are struggling emotionally and spiritually. As part of this goal we are implementing a companionship component. Our Companion Program embodies the concept of “walking side by side”. This is done by providing a companion/friend to help ease the burdens of emotional struggles. We do this through nurturing honest, nonjudgmental, authentic connection without discrimination guided by the Holy Spirit. We have several trained Mental Health team member companions who are wearing Wellness Companion green badges. They are  available at church on Sundays to offer both a listening ear and compassion/support. While this is not therapy, referrals to outside professionals can be suggested, if the burden is too heavy. Please feel free to come to one of us, so you aren’t carrying a burden alone. Companions can also be approached by concerned members or by the Pastors, to reach out to someone they have noticed is hurting. This relationship is meant to take place in a public setting: ie. a corner at coffee hour or in the church building, a public park or coffee shop, etc.

“I just might have a problem that you’ll understand. We all need somebody to lean on” ~Bill Withers

The Mental Health & Wellness Ministry (MHWM) Team appreciates your prayers for discernment, guidance and the Holy Spirit’s wisdom as this ministry develops to address mental health challenges and to support our journey of wellness and wholeness.
