News from the Green Team March 2017

I know you’ve been wondering….okay, maybe not but we have been busy. Your GreenTeam is currently Robin Corpolongo, Donna Gresh, Theresa Kennedy, Connie Knapp, David Lee, Tami Seidel, Lynda Spring, Jean Post-Winget, Amy Wallace and Wendy Whetsel. Dave Ramage moved to Canada, and David Lee replaced him (thanks David!). No, your name doesn’t have to be David to be on the Green Team even if it seems that way. We are in the “home stretch.” This June it will be two years since we were accepted into the GreenFaith certification program and we will become a GreenFaith congregation at the end of June, 2017. Here are some of the projects we have going on for the Spring.

  • We’re working with Jose to place recycling bins in Fellowship Hall, as an experiment. We want to see what size works, how we might improve our recycling, and what are the most effective ways to collect bottles, cans and paper. Look for the new bins, and use them!
  • Plan to join us for Healing Sacred Sites: A Lenten Journey organized by HRP Green, a partnership in our Presbytery. The tour will take place on April 8, 2017 from 10 AM to noon, on the Peekskill Trolley. Tickets will be $10 for adults, $5 for children, $20 for families with scholarships available as needed. Everyone older than the third grade is invited! You can get more information and sign up here.
  • We are working on our Earth Day Service for April 23. We’d love to have help. Let Connie Knapp or Donna Gresh know if you’d like to be part of the planning and the service.
  • Our labyrinth is ready for dedication. Our community celebration will take place on April 23
  • We will be inviting members of the Rural & Migrant Ministry’s staff to join us for a service in May, as we begin to focus on food and food justice. Stay tuned!