What’s Up in Adult Ed

The days leading up to Christmas can be hectic. Join us as we explore Spiritual Practices for the Season following a curriculum from The Thoughtful Christian.

Every Sunday at 9:30 and Thursday at 10 AM we will explore one or two practices, such as centering prayer, meditation, doodle prayer, and lectio divina. Some of these practices will be “old friends,” some will be brand new. Come and experiment along with us—each session will include a time of “prayer practice.”

As a reminder, here’s a list of our on-going classes:

  • Our Tuesday morning 10 – 11:30 AM class is continuing the discussion of Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times, a study developed by Adam Hamilton. You can see a trailer for the book and get some idea of what we’ve been talking about here. Tami Seidel is leading this group. Join us at any time –you don’t have to attend every session
  • The men’s breakfast will be held on Saturday December 15 in Fellowship Hall at 7:30 AM.

We hope to see you at one of these!

Connie Knapp for the Adult Ed Planning Team
