New Sunday and Thursday Faith4Life Offerings

This Spring we’ll be watching and discussing two video series. You are welcome to join us for one, all or any number in between.

We’ll be meeting in the library, masked or maskless as you are comfortable, and on Zoom.

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 for an hour to view and discuss Living Fully Expressed in Love, A Five Session Series on Life of Worship. We’ll be meeting on the first four Sundays in May (we’re skipping Memorial Day weekend, May 29) and we will end on June 5.

Join us on Thursday mornings at 10 AM for 90 minutes to view and discuss In This Together; Five Films on Loving Our Way Forward. We’ll be meeting on Thursdays through May 19.

Each of these series consists of a short video (four to fifteen minutes) and includes a downloadable guide. You are welcome to join whether you read the guide or not; we always find something to talk about in the videos.

See you at the movies!

Contact Connie Knapp if you would like more information, or want to receive the Zoom link.
