Exciting Travel Opportunities through Bible Study!

CovenantAndDiscipleWho knew that you could travel to exotic places and exciting times in history by reading the Bible? Ken and Lynn Shulman share their experience in the Covenant Bible Study program this past year:

Back in September, Ken and I made the decision to join the Covenant Bible Study class ­ or as I like to refer to it……the Bible Skills Journey (after all it was an experience traveling back in time). I have to admit the commitment to the class was a little intimidating at first, but Ken and I decided to take the ‘road trip’ together. We were pleasantly surprised to realize how manageable the daily readings were, and in those instances whereby we fell behind (sorry to admit it but it happens) we also discovered how manageable it was to catch up. My expectations of this experience changed soon after our first meeting. I was quick to discover that what I read throughout the week had different meanings to others in the class. I sat in silence pondering the thought of “did I read the same passages that everyone else did?” Hearing different perspectives from fellow ‘travelers’ was equivalent to looking through a kaleidoscope. One glance revealed a colorful geometric picture and with one slight twist the beautiful colors are still there but now different.

So to sum up this journey of reading the Bible, Ken and I are grateful for the experience and would highly recommend this opportunity to others. Chip and Tami did an excellent job in being the “tour guides” and kept our discussions on track but also allowed us to veer off course every now and again. Oh yes, when we achieved certain milestone destinations we managed to share an occasional dessert or two!

~Lynn and Ken Shulman

If you are interested in this kind of Bible study journey and experience, we are hoping to start new groups this fall. We will be offering Disciples Fast Track, Covenant and other study opportunities to travel through the scriptures and grow in your faith. Please contact Tami Seidel and let her know of your interest and when you are available to meet (during the day, evenings, etc.) or take our brief survey.
