Postal Workers’ Food Drive – Saturday, May 12

Our Food Pantry gets a healthy boost in the Spring from the delivery of food collected by our area’s Postal Workers’ annual collection. This drive was started by Postal Workers a number of years ago in response to the growing need for food for local pantries. The postal carriers pick up any donated food from mailboxes along their routes These workers not only carry the mail they have to deliver but on this day they carry often heavy bags of canned good to their trucks.

At the end of the day they drive to our church and drop them off to a waiting group of volunteers, who then carry the food into the Pantry to be sorted, checked for expiration dates and then stored in our closets for use during the Spring and long summer months when there are fewer donations. We need many hands to help us get the food processed and stored between the hours of 3:30 and 6 on Saturday, May 12. The more hands the merrier, is what we have found. It is usually a very efficient operation and is often fun as we vie for the award of “oldest food item” found.

Please come to help out for as long as you can spare; 30 minutes, one hour or the whole time until the job is done. Put it on your calendar now, because we know how quickly Spring calendars fill up. We will have a sign up sheet on the Deacons’ Easel in late April and early May. You can also contact Heidi Haring at

Heidi Haring
