Deacons — February 2011

Our Deacons had a very festive beginning for 2011: a luncheon/meeting at the home of
Mable Seymour. With all Deacons bringing a dish or refreshments to the luncheon, needless
to say it was a great way to get the Deacon’s business done and at the same time enjoy some
excellent food. Perhaps the winner of the day goes to Ryan Mulcahy and his homemade su-
per chocolatey Hershey Cake. Ryan will have to share that recipe with us. Thank you Mable
from all the attending (18) Deacons for hosting this event at your home.

This month the Homebound ministry with Chuck Radke and Mable Seymour as continuing
chair persons was very busy with visits to homes, assisted living facilities and hospitals. In
January eighteen visits were made and in most cases service flowers, poinsettias, and/or Ma-
ble’s fantastic cookies were given to the homebound. There were also many telephone calls
made to check on people. Chuck and Mable had the support of several other Deacons. Win-
ter is a most difficult and lonely time for the homebound and these visits do raise their spir-

The Bereavement Committee under Barbara Humphrey helped to ease the burden for the
families of Barbara Cullen, Anne Matthews, Helen Bliss and Tom Annacone with help for
the arrangements of the Memorial Service Receptions.

A MAJOR EVENT! Room 16 (the Food Pantry Room and AA meeting room) has under-
gone a fantastic renovation under the supervision of Dick Seymour and Jose Sandoval. The
room has gone from dark and gloomy to sunny and bright (sunglasses needed).

MANY thanks to the team that refurbished Room 16 as well as to John and Deanna Collins,
Bud Coccodrilli, Dick Hunter, Jose Sandoval, Mable and Dick Seymour, Barbara Wilkens,
Katharine Frase, Liam McAuliffe and Ben Santagata for helping to empty, move and refill
the cabinets and closets in the room.

A Happy New Year to all and remember: Deacons are here to help.

Louise Fang
