Deacon’s Corner – May 2023

Mental Health and Wellness Initiative—May 21 was Mental Health and Wellness Sunday. If you missed the service you can see it on our Facebook page!

Our church has developed a Mental Health and Wellness Initiative. As Eric Kreuter, chair of the initiative, explained, “Mental health is vital to sustain an individual as prayer is vital to sustain one’s spirituality. Our team is comprised of eight trained Wellness Companions to serve those suffering from any form on mental illness. Our purpose is to be present with the other person to listen and encourage them to seek professional help. To do this better we gathered professional helpful resources that are accessible both in the church library and on our church website.” If you are interested in joining the group, contact Eric or a member of the team.

Expansion of our Transportation ministry and creation of an Elder Care ministry are other current focuses of the Deacons. Check our Deacons’ bulletin board for opportunities to be a part of our many helping ministries.
