Deacons’ Corner April 2018

The Board of Deacons is responsible for many ministries. This month we would like you to get to know our Visitation Ministry and the dedicated Deacons involved.


Jean Post Winget is this year’s coordinator of the Visitation Team. There are six members of the Visitation Team, most having started during their term as a Deacon and have continued this “labor of love.” The current team is composed of Jean, Terri Froelich, Heidi Haring, Christine Lazarus, Sue Nelson, and Marianna Sherman. “They truly feel called to this ministry,” Jean said.

“The Visitation Team makes phone contacts and home or hospital visits with people who are home- or hospital-bound,” Jean explained. “Referrals come through our pastors and through members of the congregation who are aware of someone in need of outreach. As the newest member of the team, I am awed by the dedication and commitment of the Visitation Team. They are incredibly devoted to this ministry and to the relationships that are nurtured with every call and every visit.”

If you are interested in joining the Visitation Team, contact Jean, Chip or Tami.

“As we are intentional in our calling to visit the sick, we can trust that we are engaged in a divine task — souls are being loved and nurtured; we ourselves are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ; the gospel is being revealed through this ministry; and God is being glorified.”

— Brian Croft 


Marianna Sherman has been a member of the Visitation Team for more than five years. She started before she became a Deacon and has continued to be a dedicated partner with the others in this ministry.

“Being on the Visitation Team is one of the ways, and an important way, to connect with the members of our congregation. We should be interested in how people are doing/feeling, not always in times of crises but also in ordinary times. To be in touch is a powerful ministry.”

Marianna recalls a visit she and Terry made to Kay L. “Kay’s hearing was very poor, so we always sat face to face,” Marianna explained. “You have to be where people are.” They were talking about some of Kay’s health issues and discomforts. “’You know, Marianna,’ Kay said, ‘Since I can’t hear, the pain doesn’t really bother me.’”

Then there was a visit Marianna and Chuck Radke made to Dot S. for her 100th birthday. “After an animated visit,” Marianna remembers, “we were ready to leave when Dot was very taken with my red shoes. They perked her up, and her comment made us all laugh.”

When asked what qualities one needs to be a visitor, Marianna said it is important to “find where your friend is in their spirit. Always be yourself—engaging and caring. I think it is important for the church to be the family of God.”

Thank you, Marianna and all the members of the Visitation Team. You bring light and love to all those whose lives you touch. 


Reminder: The Food Pantry has committed to discontinuing our use of plastic bags for food distribution. Please help by bringing in your sturdy paper bags. Thank you!

Did you know that the Food Pantry served 196 families in February?

If someone you know needs a ride to church or to a doctor’s appointment, contact Deacon Marty Scatola who will help you with the arrangements.

With gratitude, Judy Chessa, Moderator
