New in the Church Library – New Childrens’ Books

Three beautiful children’s books are new additions to the library. Very young children will be captivated by Where are you Hiding, God? by Elizabeth Zartl. A girl plays hide-and-seek looking for God in her dresser drawer and her garden, among other places. But she soon realizes that God is in the wind, in a leaf, and finally (courtesy of a mirror) “You are here, and you are always inside 

The two other titles are by prolific author Max Lucado. The Boy and the Ocean compares God’s love to the endless ocean, the high mountains, and the countless stars in the night sky outside the boy’s window. The Oak Inside the Acorn will appeal to slightly older children. A young acorn, afraid to leave its “mother” tree, goes on a series of adventures until it finally grows into an oak tree big enough to provide a swing for a young girl. They mature together, and although they cannot talk to each other, they realize they each have a purpose in God’s world.

These books are on the New Book Shelf. The remaining children’s books are grouped by general topic on the shelves below the new books. Please feel to browse, and check out any you think will appeal to your children/ grandchildren.

Carol Jensen, church librarian