New in the Church Library – Finding God in a Bag of Groceries

FindingGodFinding God in a Bag of Groceries by Laura Lapins Willis (248 W) recounts some of her experiences as the administrator of the food pantry (and other services) for the needy in Sewanee, Tennessee.The book is based on a series of vignettes about the clients, their experiences and their challenges.The “bag of groceries” became the entry point for Willis into the lives of these clients. I felt the book improved as it went along, as Willis began to let go of her assumptions about her role as care giver, and began to allow the clients to teach her lessons in humility and courage. Not all the clients were role­models, which made the stories feel more real. Overall, I think the subtitle of the book “sharing food, discovering grace” sums it up well.

~Katharine Frase
