April 2010 – Some events from the ‘60s

1963 Budget recommendations made by the Executive Comm. were: estimated income was $43,700 with $7850 of this amount for benevolences. Our church was one of three in Yorktown that participated in a plan to resettle 2 Cuban refugee families. Through Church World Service, 2 families came from Miami, Florida, and the community task was to find housing and work opportunities.

1963, Oct. 25-27: The church observed its 225th anniversary with a family dinner on Friday, Oct. 25 in the Parish Hall. The caterer was confused on the date, expecting to come on the 26th, therefore, those who came for the dinner were disappointed and had to eat at local restaurants.

1964: A new carpet was installed in the Sanctuary, given in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Anson L. Lee by their son, Arthur. Also 30 new members were received at the service on Nov. 28, 1965.

Dick Hunter, Church Historian
