Traditionally, Youth Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, but in May we are meeting on the 1st and 3rd Sundays: May 6 & 20. So join us tomorrow as we make soup for the upcoming Midnight...
Youth Meetings
Sunday is Youth Group day! It’s also Earth Day!
This Sunday we will show some love to God’s creation as we upcycle our extensive collection of t-shirts into an area rug for the Youth Room (I’m not even kidding, we’ve...
Youth Meetings Sunday April 8
Hey Everyone! Tomorrow (Sunday) is Youth Group day! Middle School Youth from 4:30 – 6 pm. High School Youth meet from 6 – 8 pm. We’re going to talk about how we live out the commandment...
Happy Spring! Upcoming Youth Meetings
This Sunday we’re having Youth Group at our “usual” times – it’s been a while since we did things the usual way, isn’t it? So Middle School Youth, come join...
Interfaith Youth Bowling Outing March 11
Interfaith Youth Bowling March 11, 6-8 pm at Jefferson Valley Lanes Calling all Middle and High Schoolers: Sunday evening, March 11, we will meet up with youth from several...
Youth Activities February 2018
February is here and we are operating outside the box for our Youth activities this month. See below for information about and to RSVP for: Screenagers Pancake Supper Serving Ice Skating This Sunday,...
We’re Cooking Chili!
Happy Saturday Everyone! Youth Groups are happening tomorrow – we’re going to help out our friends in the Confirmation Class who are prepping for their Midnight Run...
Youth Meetings January 2018
Hope you all enjoyed that unexpected 4 day weekend from school and are staying warm! Our first Youth Group meetings of the new year are coming up tomorrow, January 7th: Middle Schoolers,...
Youth Events December 2017
Make sure to mark your calendar for these upcoming activities: Do you and your family enjoy decorating for the holidays? All are invited to come help decorate the church for Advent and Christmas...
Youth News – November 2017
Thank you to everyone who came to the Lock-In on Columbus weekend! We had a ton of fun. And thanks to everyone from the congregation who donated supplies for the hygiene kits we assembled at the Lock-In!...