Read Emma’s latest post here. On Sunday, August 27, 2017, we commissioned Elizabeth Welliver and Emma Warman, who dedicate a year of their lives to learn what God is doing through them and...
Our Mission
The Talent Show Will Be Here on April 15!
You may recall that the Talent Show was originally scheduled earlier this month, but then storm “Quinn” left many of us in the dark, including the church. Well it’s been rescheduled...
Easter Offering for Midnight Run and Rural & Migrant Ministry
All of the funds raised by the Easter Offering (taken through the end of April) will be split evenly between the Midnight Run organization and Rural & Migrant Ministry. Each year our congregation...
Save Your Treasures for the Tag Sale!
All proceeds from the Tag Sale will be used to support mission trips. Donations needed: clothing, books household items, toys. Larger items like bikes, furniture, etc. are also welcome but must cleared...
One Great Hour of Sharing 2018
A gift to One Great Hour of Sharing enables the church to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the...
Mission Trip Informational Meeting March 11
Save the Date for the Summer Mission Trip: July 15-20, 2018 Come find out more information on Sunday, March 11! We will again be partnering with DOOR, as we did two summers ago in Atlanta, but...
March Item of the Month: Canned Fruit
As you know, we now have a Full Choice model at the Food Pantry, where our clients can choose items that best fulfill the needs of their household. We buy food in bulk from the Westchester Food...
YAV Elizabeth in Austin: Art in ATX
In her latest post, Elizabeth writes: Austin is a growing city where white millennials like me are flocking to live in a “progressive” haven of Texas. From one perspective, Austin represents...
YAV Emma in the Philippines: A Visit From Home and an Art Show
Emma writes of a visit of people from home, and an art show arranged to support the Little Children of the Philippines, where she works. You even have an opportunity to bid on the works yourself! On Sunday,...