Friends, this past July we sent fourteen youth and five adults from FPCY as members of the Hudson River Presbytery’s delegation to the 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium. Together with thousands...
Our Mission
Our Craft Fair is Fully Booked!
Mark your calendars for our Arts and Crafts Fair on November 23. We are now fully booked! See the list of this year’s vendors. Proceeds will support our mission trips.
Reminder: Pick Up Reusable Shopping Bags to Support the Food Pantry
The Triangle Center ACME store has chosen to support our Food Pantry this month. Every $3.00 GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS reusable bag sold at the Yorktown Triangle Center ACME in October will generate a...
Race and Faith: An Interfaith Series
The Interfaith Council of Yorktown, in partnership with Race Amity of Northern Westchester and Putnam (RANWP), is hosting a series on Race & Faith on Thursday evenings at 7 PM. The first session was...
Can You Help the Midnight Run?
ADULT/TEEN MIDNIGHT RUN; FRIDAY, NOV. 8: IT’S COMING SOON. Please help our congregation to serve those on the streets in NYC. We need a driver for the van. At least 6-8 people to go on the Run, more...
YAV Ailih: Finding Stillness
Ailih writes: One of the commitments that my fellow YAVs and I agreed to even before we arrived in D.C. was to remain in the city until Thanksgiving, limiting our time away from community …. All...
Legacy Sunday October 6
October 6 is Legacy Sunday. Ellie Johns-Kelly from the Presbyterian Foundation will be with us to talk about Planned Giving, a follow-up to the Capital Campaign. She will preach at both services...
World Communion Sunday, October 6
The first Sunday in October is designated as World Communion Sunday, which celebrates our oneness in Christ with all our brothers and sisters around the world. Paul tells us that we are...
We REALLY Need Canned Corn for the Pantry!
Canned corn again? The Food Pantry really needs canned corn! Please consider making the “item of the month” part of your weekly shopping. When the Deacons suggest an “item of the month,”...
Common Ground Series Begins October 6
On Sunday evenings beginning October 6 at 6 PM we’ll be reading and discussing Common Ground: Talking about Gun Violence in America, by Donald V. Gaffney, a pastor and a Sandy Hook alumnus. The...