Join Congregational Life for a “First Sunday of Advent Celebration” on December 2 Following the 8:30 am Service there will be some warm, savory food with coffee and tea. Bring...
What’s Happening
Announcement Sunday: December 9
Plan to attend church services on Announcement Sunday, December 9, where we will learn of the total amount pledged to the Capital Campaign, and the amount already given as “First Fruits.”...
Help Decorate the Church for Christmas on December 1!
All are welcome to become part of this holiday tradition as we decorate our sanctuary for Advent and Christmas. Many hands make light work as we put up candles, greens, roping, wreaths, a Christmas tree...
Men’s Breakfast November 17
The monthly men’s breakfast will be at 7:30 am on Saturday, November 17. This year the men’s breakfast is every third Saturday of the month. Join Chip for food, fellowship, and Faith in Fellowship...
First Fruits Offering on November 18
Last Sunday our church family expressed their faith in our future by offering commitments to our annual and capital stewardship campaign Grounded in Gratitude, Forward in Faith. We have been overwhelmed...
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
On Sunday, November 18th at 4:00 p.m., all are invited to the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service hosted this year at the Yorktown United Methodist Church. This is an opportunity to gather people...
An Invitation from our Friends at Temple Beth Am
Family Shabbat Service of Hope and Solidarity this Friday 11/2 at 7 pm “As a response to the tragedy in Pittsburgh, Temple Beth Am will conduct a special Shabbat Service....
Celebration Brunch — Between the Services!
You’re invited to a Celebration Event with light brunch and presentation Sunday, October 28th 9:30-10:30 am Fellowship Hall (between the services) Nursery care will be provided. Brunch and activities...
Special Prayer Event on November 3 from Noon to 2pm
During this season of prayer and discernment for ourselves and for our church, we invite you to a prayer event on Saturday, November 3, From 12-2pm for a church-wide day of prayer. There...