Many of us no longer use offering envelopes, so we don’t get that little reminder about the Deacons’ Fund. In the midst of our blessings, however, the Deacons ask that you remember those who are not...
What’s Happening
There will be no Women’s birthday breakfast in February
Due to schedule conflict, the February Women’s birthday breakfast on February 1 will be cancelled. The breakfast will resume on Saturday, March 1 when we will celebrate both February and March Birthdays.
Men’s Breakfast Tomorrow– January 18
January 18 at 8am Attention All Men Join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month as we cook breakfast in our church kitchen and enjoy a time of fellowship with one another.
January 15 Lunch Bunch
Join us for a pot-luck lunch in Fellowship Hall at noon on Wednesday, January 15. See you there! Questions? Contact
Centering Prayer Every Wednesday
Practice making space, with every breath, in which to be aware of God’s presence in and around us. Join us in person or on zoom for half an hour at 7 PM on Wednesday evenings. Look for a Zoom invitation...
De-Greening the Sanctuary on January 5
On November 30 we “Greened” the Sanctuary with wreaths, roping, and our Christmas Tree. It will soon come time to “De-green” our space. Please join us after the second service on January 5 as...
Women’s Breakfast January 4 at 9am (New Time)
Calling all women to our FPCY Women’s Birthday Breakfast Club Monthly Pot Luck Celebration! We all have heard nutritionists say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To make our breakfast...
Single Service on Sunday, December 29
On Sunday, December 29, there will be a single service at 10:30am, in person and online.
Christmas Eve Services
Join us for worship on Tuesday, December 24 3:00 pm Family Service 7:00 pm Candlelight Service 11:00 pm Candlelight Service Watch online on our Facebook page
Lunch Bunch December 18
Join us on Wednesday, December 18 at noon for a potluck lunch. Bring a dish to share, and your singing voice—Garrett will lead us as we sing our favorite Christmas carols. Enjoy the lunch bunch and want...