Household Recycling Days This Fall

The Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities is hosting three household recycling days this fall, to help residents dispose of garbage that requires special handling. These items may...

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Better Stewardship with the Sun

  Background Our congregation is considering taking advantage of the “Solarize Our Congregation” initiative sponsored by HRP Green (the Presbytery’s Green Team). In this article we (the Green...

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Are You an “Aspirational Recycler”?

Can you recycle coffee cups or greasy pizza boxes? If you’re tossing things in the recycling bin out of sheer hope, you might be an “aspirational recycler.” One of the areas that the Green Team...

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Lake Mitchell Snapshot — Jean Post-Winget

We’ve all been grumbling about what has seemed like an endless winter. But, last spring was also slow in arriving: a fact I vividly recall, because last April, on what felt more like a February than...

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Earth Day April 22!

Earth Day falls on Sunday this year! Celebrate with your Green Team with special worship services at 8:30am and 10:45am.

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