Some Results of the Church’s Energy Audit

A key element on our Green Faith Stewardship requirements list is to inventory what has been accomplished in the area of energy conservation, and identify opportunities for further improvement. A number...

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Meatless Monday for Lent!

Congratulations! We survived our first all­-vegetarian potluck lunch! “Wow! The food is so colorful!” “Delicious!” “I was surprised at how filling the food was! I didn’t feel hungry afterwards.” “That...

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It’s Cold Outside! Do a Home Energy Audit

Now that the weather is (finally?) turning cold, we once again start noticing those heating and electricity bills! Saving energy in our home is good for both our wallets and our environment. A home energy...

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Do you know how far your vegetables travel?

A typical carrot travels 1,838 miles to reach your dinner table (Sustainable Table).  Support your farmers close to home and reduce your carbon footprint by visiting farmers’ markets or participating...

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Our GreenFaith Waste Audit

Did you know that a waste audit was completed as one part of the process of learning more about our stewardship of our resources within this church and its buildings? We owe many thanks to our middle school...

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Idling your car is wasting energy and money

Did you know? 10 seconds of idling uses more fuel than turning the engine on and off (NJDEP).  Turn your engine off when you are sitting for more than 10 seconds, especially near children and in urban...

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Our GreenFaith Mission Statement

  “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” Psalm 24:1 All of creation is a gift and a blessing from God, and God created and calls humankind to till and to keep the earth, to serve and preserve...

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The coffee we serve

Did you know that the coffee we serve at Fellowship Hour is fair trade? We purchase all of our coffee from Dean’s Beans, and it is organic, fair-trade, shade-grown, bird-friendly (and Kosher to...

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