We buy food in bulk from Feeding Westchester, but not all the items we’d like to offer are always available. Canned fruit and fruit juice is a challenge for our Pantry. It is consistently one of our...
Food Pantry Plus
Calling for Helping Hands in the Garden of Hope
The Garden of Hope at Willow Park: Curry St. & Tulip St. in Yorktown grows hundreds of pounds of fresh produce each season for our Pantry and other pantries supporting the local community. Now that...
Garden of Hope Work Day March 16– All are Welcome!
Saturday March 16 from 9:30-2:00 at Willow Park Garden Leader Janet will be in the garden with snow pea seeds and piles of new compost to get the gardening season off to an early start! Please join...
40 Cans (or Pasta, Cereal, or Shelf-Stable Milk) for Lent
Please join us in “40 Cans(+) for Lent” We welcome cans of fruit or vegetables, soup or stews, and beans, along with pasta, breakfast cereal, or shelf-stable milk. You can drop off items any time...
Souper Bowl Sunday is Here!
The Souper Bowl of Caring is the result of thousands of young people joining together to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. This unique, youth-led movement of caring is transforming the...
Peekskill Stop&Shop Supports our Food Pantry in February
Does your supply of reusable shopping bags need an update? Do you need one or two extra for the “other car”? Our Food Pantry has once again been selected by local Stop & Shop store leadership...
Souper Bowl: Get a Head Start on 40 Cans (+) for Lent!
The Souper Bowl of Caring is the result of thousands of young people joining together to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. This unique, youth-led movement of caring is transforming the...
Pasta Pasta Pasta for January!
For January we are continuing to request any sort of pasta (including gluten-free). It’s nice to be able to offer a variety to our clients at our full choice pantry. Thank you! You can drop off...
For the Rest of December: Pasta Please!
Since we distributed our dessert mixes at the pantry on December 16, for the rest of December we are requesting any sort of pasta. Thank you! You can drop off items any time in the labeled bins near the...
Coat Drive for December 16 Pantry
We are requesting NEW winter coats for the children of our Food Pantry clients. Sizes for school-age through teen-age (adult size) kids. Please drop off by December 14– they will be distributed...