Campaign Project Management Team (CPMT) and Operations Commission Update

During the quieter summer months at FPCY, our staff and volunteers have been busy on various projects around our building. Here are some highlights:

  • Beautiful Agape Garden—perfect for a small meeting, an outdoor lunch, fellowship, prayer, etc.
  • Most of our re-envisioned gardens are complete around the building
  • The ramp in the office corridor has been refurbished
  • All classrooms will be ready for use in September
  • Room 17 (the future board room) is nearly complete
  • The building WiFi upgrade is complete
  • The kitchen renovation project will begin soon

Many thanks to:

  • Our new caretaker, Kevin, who has been busy touching up paint, repairing drywall, buffing floors & more
  • Our lawn care provider, Mike Androsko, for lovingly leveling & reseeding parts of our cemetery—above & beyond his contracted work
  • Dick, Bud, and Jerry for the countless projects they’ve identified and taken on around the property
  • The many volunteers who have been watering our new plantings.

As ever, we are so grateful for the support of the congregation and the faithful fulfillment of pledges, to enable us to do this work. If you haven’t yet made a commitment, please prayerfully consider participating in this campaign for the present (and future) of our Ministries of Faith. Pledges can be made via If you have made a pledge, but haven’t yet made a gift, or if you wish to make a one-time gift, you can do so at your convenience.
