Campaign Project Management Team and Operations Commission Update

Can you figure out what this is a picture of?

The campaign and operations teams continue to be busy with renovations and maintenance projects, taking advantage of the flexibility provided by the empty building.

  • Renovations of rooms 2, 7 and 9 continue
  • The widening of the office hallway/entrance is nearly done
  • Exit signs have been rewired/repaired/relocated as needed
  • Installation of handicap access electronics on the gathering space doors is being scheduled
  • Kitchen renovations plans are being assessed
  • Heating and cooling systems are being evaluated
  • A plan is underway for technology and storage needs for worship


Fall Clean-up will not be an “all hands on deck” one-day event. Rather, in light of social distancing, smaller groups of volunteers coordinated by the Operations Commission will tackle the annual fall yard work & prep for the coming winter.

As ever, we are so grateful for the support of the congregation and the faithful fulfillment of pledges, to enable us to do this work. If you haven’t yet made a commitment, please prayerfully consider participating in this campaign for the present (and future) of our Ministries of Faith. Pledges can be made via If you have made a pledge, but haven’t yet made a gift, or if wish to make a one-time gift, you can do so at your convenience.
