
healing02Healing events are daily signs of the divine mercy that is surging through the world and guiding it toward its final perfection.

Healing is an indispensable part of the coming wholeness that God intends for all creation.



Read the scriptures from Sunday: http://bible.oremus.org/?ql=232816106

  • Luke 18:35-43
  • James 5:14-16
  • Acts 3:6

What is God saying to you through these passages? How might you continue Jesus’ ministry of healing and wholeness and let God work through you?




Prayer for Healing: Which part of this prayer from Sunday’s service reminds you of you, or of someone for whom you can pray?

One:    God, our creator,

your will for us and for all your people

is health and salvation:

All:    have mercy on us.

One:    Jesus, Son of God,

you came that we might have life

and have it in abundance:

All:    have mercy on us.

One:    Holy Spirit,

dwelling within us,

you make us temples of your presence:

All:    have mercy on us.

One:    For all who are in need of healing, [silence]

Lord, in your mercy,

All:    hear our prayer.

One:    For all who are disabled by injury or illness,

about to undergo surgery or in recovery, [silence]

Lord, in your mercy,

All:    hear our prayer.

One:    For all who suffer in heart, mind or spirit,

troubled by confusion, doubt and despair [silence]

Lord, in your mercy,

All:    hear our prayer.

One:    For all who are living in broken relationships and with challenging circumstances, [silence]

Lord, in your mercy,

All:    hear our prayer.

One:    For all who are anxious about work, money and basic necessities, [silence]

Lord, in your mercy,

All:    hear our prayer.

One:    For all who experience the joy and the burden of being caregivers, [silence]

Lord, in your mercy,

All:    hear our prayer.

One:    For all who practice the healing arts, [silence]

Lord, in your mercy,

All:    hear our prayer.

One:    Into your hands, O God,

we commend all for whom we pray,

trusting in your mercy;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Pray for the many who are healers: medical personnel or chaplains, organizations that promote wholeness and healing for the environment, recovery programs, volunteers in Hospice, those who visit patients in hospitals, home health aides, caregivers




Receive and give forgiveness: What have you done that needs to be forgiven? What resent could you let go of? Who do you need to forgive that your anger and resent only hurts you?


Offer Hospitality: Who could you welcome into your home that needs healing from isolation and loneliness? Who could you visit that would feel better by your presence with them?


Heal Creation: Join an effort to restore nature. Join a clean-up project. Support efforts that plant flowers and trees. Look for ways to protect animals. What sacred space needs protection?




Bring a meal: Who is recovering from physical or emotional injury that could use a meal right now? , or organize a visitation or meal schedule.


Make an inventory of healing places: Where in your community does healing take place? How might you support the healing that happens there? Where in your life does healing take place? Do some of these places offer wholeness more than physical cure?




Join our church’s Visitation Team: Every week, members of our church visit shut-ins, homebound, nursing home residents and those who have temporary issues. Communion visits also happen regularly. Contact the church office to find out how you could join a visiting team to bring presence to members of our church.


Keep Sabbath: How would rest bring healing to your life? How has too much work hurt you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually? In what ways can you rest and know God’s healing presence?


Step out of your routine: Join a yoga class. Walk. Meditate. Stretch. Practice deep breathing. Run. Cycle. Rock climb. What would renew and restore your body in the midst of work or daily routines that need change?
