The Deacons, April 2013

The winter has lasted longer than expected, and we are anxiously awaiting spring’s crocuses in this Easter season!

We have been carrying the little brown box to church every Sunday, and reflecting on the practices that we have been given each week.  I must admit to not “wearing” the box (not sure what my students would make of that), but I am trying to be the box and to practice what is in the box.  If the practices become part of me, perhaps I will better be able to accept all of what being a Deacon entails.  If we all “practice“, think of all the good we can practice in the greater community.

If our greater community is hungry, we will give them food through the Food Pantry.  The food item of the month is:  hearty soups.  If you are a BJ’s member, and do not have a baby at home you are diapering, please clip and pass on your Luv’s coupons.  You may put them in the offering plate, give them to a Deacon, or put them in an envelope and place them in the basket next to our bulletin board.  Diapers of any kind and size as well as wipes are always welcome and will add to what we buy.  They are an expensive addition, but desperately needed, and gratefully accepted and appreciated by the Food Pantry clients.

Spring is here! Let us sing with joy!

Angelyn Forbes-Freeze for the Deacons

