Deacons – February, 2012

Deacon’s Offering Envelope for February

The Deacons’ Offering in February will again be used to purchase school supplies for the children of our Food Pantry clients. Last year, 100 boxed sets were distributed, and we hope to increase that number this next year, especially for the primary school group. The children were so appreciative and gave us hugs and smiles as they received their boxes. One  little girl danced around, hugging and kissing her package, singing, “There are my very own for school … I am so happy!” Pictures like this are worth every dollar spent on these basics, which give our clients’ children a level playing field as they begin school in September. Please remember to be as generous as you are able.

Welcoming New Deacons

Mable Seymour hosted a lively brunch and meeting for new and “old” Deacons at her home on January 15. It was wonderful to have such a warm venue to welcome the new deacons: Jane Amato, Karen Mack, Liam McAuliffe and Kathy Winsted, and thank the “retiring Deacons”: Ryan Mulcahy, Jill Pagliettini, Chuck Radke and Mable Seymour, who have served so faithfully for the past three years. During the meeting, information about each of the ministries was shared, and Chip gave an overview of service as a Deacon.

Contact to the Homebound

We will especially miss the contributions of Chuck Radke and Mable Seymour, who greatly expanded the contact to the homebound ministry. We will be challenged to keep this dedication going as strongly, and ask that anyone who has time and interest in making visitations to the homebound during the day please contact the Deacons. Below is a report of their activities during the last month.

Service flowers were distributed to a number of congregation members and friends and visits were made by various Deacons. Thanks again to all who have signed up for service  flower distributions and made visits in the past.

Chuck Radke and Mable Seymour visited a number of members and friends of the congregation. Included in these visits were two that returned to their homes after a visit to the  hospital, as well as those at assisted living facilities and those homebound at home. More  than twelve poinsettias and home baked banana breads (baked by Mable) were distributed. Chuck and Mable will continue leading the visitations effort through January and assist the new Deacons as they come on board in 2012.

In Addition

We also participated in two memorial services held in January for departed church members or friends.

NOTE: If you have not yet filled out the Volunteer form (below) for providing a meal  (Loaves and Fishes) or providing transportation to someone who cannot drive, please do so now!

May you find a bit of JOY and spread a bit of PEACE each and every day.
Angelyn Forbes-Freeze


Loaves and Fishes and Transportation are part of the ministries of the Board of Deacons. They provide support and caring for members and friends of our congregation. Please consider volunteering for these special “hands on” ministries. You may be called upon only once or twice a year.

To volunteer, please fill out this form even through you may have volunteered in the past. Put it in the collection plate on Sunday or the “Food Pantry Basket” in the Gathering Place or the Church Office. Thank you.

Name:  _________________________________________________________
Telephone:  ____________________________________________________


Loaves and Fishes

_______ Cook & deliver a meal (Entrée, salad, dessert)
_______ Deliver a meal, if needed
_______ Make and deliver a dessert

Provide Transportation

To and from Worship on:
      _______ Sunday at 8:30 a.m.
      _______ Sunday at 10:45 a.m.
_______ To other church functions
_______ During the week for miscellaneous needs

If you have questions please call:

For Loaves and Fishes: Sue Nelson (245-6935)

For Transportation: Barbara Humphrey (962-7913)
