Operations Commission – November, 2011

  1. Routine maintenance since our last report includes: replacement of a hot water circulator, cleaning and servicing of the two furnaces and propane hot water heater and the repair of one of a bathroom fixture.
  2. The tall birch trees near the monument in front of the Sanctuary will be cabled shortly to ensure their safety in the coming winter months.
  3. Our landscaper has replaced ground cover that was inadvertently weed-whacked under the large pine tree in front of the Sanctuary.
  4. Painting has been completed in Fellowship Hall.
  5. The “ramp hallway” is being worked on now with repair of cracks and complete painting.
  6. New Pennsylvania blue stone has been purchased for repair of the walkway in front of the Sanctuary and will be installed later this year.
  7. Our rehabilitation work in the Memorial Garden is now complete. This includes rework of the garden, removal of some trees that were getting too large for the space and a stone border on three sides. Two new teak benches which were given in memory of Norman Malcolmson and in memory of Ed Krumeich. Also, many new fall plants have added much color. The hallway door will now be unlocked from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each weekday and during services on Sunday. This will make access to the Garden easier for meditation, contemplation and prayer.
  8. Kyle Monk is doing a project for Eagle Scout recognition on our work shed in back of the office. This work is progressing nicely and many scouts and leaders are participating. When finished, the shed will be much more useable. It will also be completely dressed up, both inside and outside. Thanks in advance to Kyle for taking on this significant improvement project for the Church.

Should you become aware of maintenance items that need to be addressed or improvements
for us to consider, please bring them to my attention. Thanks!

Dick Seymour, Facilities Coordinator for Operations Commission
