What DO the Deacons Do?

What DO the Deacons do?

The answer to that question is: many things! To remind you, below are the various ministries in which the Deacons are involved. Also included below are the contact names for the ministries. Please reach out if you or someone you know could benefit from the Deacons’ ministries. We are here to help.

  • Bereavement – helping those who are grieving. We help to plan and assist in after-funeral receptions. Also, a series of pamphlets is mailed to the family within the first year of the death. ‘Deacon contacts: Judy Chessa, Sue Nelson
  • Bereavement Support Group – now meeting bi-weekly and led by church members Judy Chessa and Dolores Vidal-Roy. The group offers those grieving a loss a place to share their feelings and receive companionble support. Deacon contacts: Judy Chessa, Dolores Vidal-Roy
  • Card Ministry – Deacon Nancy Paskin writes and mails cards to members and friends of FPCY. Whatever the occasion or celebration, Nancy sends a card ensuring the recipients know the church is thinking about them.
  • Loaves and Fishes – Volunteers sign up to make meals for families/persons in need. Please contact the following Deacons if you know of a need. September – contact Judy Chessa, October/November/December – contact Tim Chin.
  • Mental Health Ministry – This ministry focuses on the journey we are all on to find mental wellness, whether dealing with mental illness or with issues that life tends to throw at us. Our goal is to encourage all to feel safe enough in our church community to reach out when they are suffering. We have a companion ministry with trained companions (who wear green badges in worship) who are available for support. If further help is needed, we seek to guide that person to the care needed. The Deacons also seek to do this through prayer, education, presentations, providing books and pamphlets, offering occasional workshops, and special mental wellness and sharing evenings several times a year. Deacon contacts: Erik Kreuter, Tamsen Levine.
  • Prayer Ministry – This team consists of Deacons and congregational volunteers. They receive prayer requests from Lisa, our Pastors, other individuals and through our prayer email address—prayer@fpcyorktown.org. Prayer ribbons are hung in a special place near the labyrinth as visual reminders of our prayers for each other.
  • Transportation – Do you or someone you know need a ride to church or to a medical appointment? We have a list of ride services and individuals available to help. Contact: John Winget
  • Visitation – The focus of this ministry is to visit those who would benefit from a visit, be they homebound or residing in a nursing home or independent living facility. Periodic visits are scheduled by members of the visitation team. The team also provides the opportunity to receive communion from one of our Pastors and a team member.

~Board of Deacons Co-Moderators – Heidi Haring, John Winget
