What’s New with Operations – September, 2011

A major work party was held on September 17th. Much was accomplished with the help of 27 volunteers:

  • The berm on the East side of the North parking lot was cleared of the old Yews that were dead or dying. The overhanging trees and bushes were clipped back and many branches taken down. New chip mulch was laid down. We plan to continue this work from the Northeast corner to the Outdoor Worship area.
  • The Lily beds along Rt. 132 were weeded.
  • Trees throughout the campus have been pruned and thinned out. All debris has been taken to Yorktown Recycling for mulching & redistribution.

In addition:

  • All floors throughout our buildings have now been waxed.
  • Approximately three quarters of Fellowship Hall has now been painted. The remainder is scheduled to be completed over the next several weeks.
  • A very large birch tree which overhangs Rt. 202 will be cabled and thinned out to prevent it from splitting off and falling.
  • Two rails have been repaired in the North parking lot as a result of cars pulling too close and breaking the end pieces which are inserted into the posts. We ask everyone to be careful when parking so as to not bump the wooden fence posts or rails.
  • The Memorial Garden has received a significant facelift. A border of colored stones has been installed on three perimeter sides of the Garden. The new border not only adds color, but will help to prevent weed growth near the building and will also limit splashing of mud on the walls in heavy storms. Two pines which outgrew the space have been removed. The slate walkways were taken up, the ground leveled and the pieces of slate put back down.
  • Chip mulch was then spread throughout the Garden. Two new benches will be installed shortly so that anyone wanting to use the Garden for quiet time or meditation can do so in really nice surroundings. We hope to have freer access through the hallway door which will be open from morning until one P.M. each weekday and on Sundays. If the hallway door is locked; however, there is always a key to the door in the Library/Lounge on top of the bookshelf nearest that door so that anyone wishing access may have it. With the coming of the grand Fall time of year, we are hopeful that the Garden will be a place more frequented for quiet time and meditation.

If you become aware of maintenance items that need to be addressed or improvements for us to consider, please bring them to my attention. Thanks!
Dick Seymour, Facilities Coordinator for Operations Commission.
