Spring Cleanup April 30 8:30am

For the first time in two years, we are planning for our traditional Spring Work Party at the Church. We have a plan to spruce up and clean up our campus. This effort has been a time for companionship, doing meaningful work together and enjoying outdoor life as new life begins to emerge all around us.

Please consider joining us for the Spring Work Party at 8:30am on April 30th . We are hoping for good weather, but we will do whatever we can regardless of the weather so bring appropriate attire, gloves and yard work tools.

We will furnish cold water and coffee, but are not planning on a group lunch. Bring a snack to tide you over if you desire.

Dick Seymour and Bud Coccodrilli will be coordinating the overall work effort. They will let volunteers know of specific tasks which will fit individual capabilities.
