History Corner

As we continue to make improvements to our church for the present and future, here is an excerpt from an Historical Sermon from Pastor W. J. Cumming in 1876…

The sixth pastor was the Rev. Robert G. Thompson. During his pastorate the present church edifice was erected. “When I became pastor of the church”, he writes, “the old house of worship was still standing. It was an exceedingly old and unsightly object. Just enough of yellow ochre was visible to show that it had once been painted. The architecture, pulpit and seats were all in the old New England style without paint and of the most common workmanship and material. It was felt that a new & more modern building was a necessity to the comfort and prosperity of the congregation. The old one had answered its day, and though hallowed in the memory of the old members, it must now give way to another, more in accordance with modern ideas of taste and convenience. The work was undertaken in the spring of 1839 and the new edifice was dedicated to the worship of God on January 9, 1840.”

The building completed in 1840 is our current beautiful Sanctuary.

~Submitted by Dick Hunter
