Sunday School News December 2020

Over the past few months, our FPCY children have adapted seamlessly to online Sunday School classes meeting over Zoom.

Our children and teachers from Pre-K—4th grade are enjoying the new Shine curriculum. The kids engage with the stories and look forward to connecting with their friends each week. There are opportunities to share joys and concerns, sing along to the Doxology, pass the peace, and receive a blessing at the end of every class. Families are encouraged to help their children complete activities that tie in to each weekly lesson.

Our 5th and 6th graders in the Connect class have been Zooming in faithfully every Sunday. They have learned stories from the Old Testament that began with Genesis and the Creation story, to the covenant God made with us. Their teachers are proud of their commitment and active engagement with the lessons and discussions.

The FaithX class of 7th, 8th and 9th graders continues to explore the books of the Old Testament in their study of the Bible. They have learned about the Torah and its importance to us as Christians, and discussed big questions such as “What does it mean when we say that the Bible is ‘inspired by God?’” The students come to class prepared with their Echo the Story Sketch Journals to help them connect with the texts.

We give thanks to our teachers for their flexibility in adapting to this new way of delivering instruction, and to our families for their commitment to helping our kids stay connected. We wish all of our Sunday School families a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year!

~Bridget Bentley & Kristy Berlin, Sunday School Co-Superintendents
