Youth News December 2020

Happy Advent Everyone! It’s hard to believe that fall is almost over, and that winter is right around the corner!

The Youth Groups have been meeting (almost all) virtually throughout the fall. Big thanks to our Middle Schoolers and some of our awesome Sunday School teachers who joined in the fun when we “Zoom-ed” in to bring Chip good wishes and out-of-sync singing virtually on his birthday.

In October, our older Youth gathered in person (masked and distanced) to prepare a meal for the Jan Peek House shelter in Peekskill. Making a transportable meal to feed 40 people is no small task; there were many potatoes peeled, carrots scraped, onions cried over, green beans snipped, and mushrooms chopped. And we found that it takes many hands to slice up a frozen ham.

Middle School Youth Group will continue to meet via Zoom two Wednesdays a month. High Schoolers should watch their email for a survey coming shortly of topics and activities to explore in the next few months.

All dates and links for virtual meetings are sent via email. Are you on the list? If you’re not sure, need to update an address, or want to be added to the email list, reach out to Steph Hare, Director of Youth Ministries, at to stay in the know.
