Thanksgiving Offering to Support Noontime Meal


The Thanksgiving Offering will support our Noontime Meal program, which serves lunch once each month to about 3 dozen needy clients in Peekskill. Historically, members of our congregation had prepared Noontime meals at the church. However, since the pandemic has prevented this sort of activity, Pat Prauda has been keeping the Noontime Meal program going by arranging for local restaurants to cater the lunches. The clients are extremely grateful that we’ve been able to maintain the Noontime Meal program, and moreover this gives a bit more business to local restaurants who are struggling in these difficult times. Our budget need for this offering is approximately $300/month. Since it is uncertain when we can start preparing meals again, our hope is to raise $3,600 to cover the next year’s worth of food.

You may give online, or by sending a check to the office with the memo “Thanksgiving.”