From the Mission Commission

Noon Time Meal Clients are doing fine, and enjoying the meal we have prepared and delivered to them but numbers seem to keep rising. They would appreciate juice once in awhile so if you would like to contribute juice boxes, leave them on the kitchen counter with Pat Prauda’s name on them she will deliver them to the Salvation Army. Contact Lisa in the office to find out the best time to drop them off. Any questions, call Pat at 914-737-4674.

Jan Peek Meal — Thank you to Donna Giglio and Debbie Hager for preparing and delivering the dinner to the Jan Peek clients on Saturday, September 26th. If you would like to do a meal for them please reach out to Pat, at 737-4674 or as I am getting next year’s calendar together. Invite a friend to help — all are welcome. Please continue to drop off your bottles & cans at the church. They are picked up at least once a week and redeemed. All monies redeemed go to support Mission. If no one is around, you can leave them beneath the Food Donation table near the back doors.

Until we can open our building to small gatherings, our Knit Togethers and Prayer Shawl teams continue to knit/crochet at home. If you need yarn or project guidance contact Norean (914-962-4370 — Knit Togethers) or Marianna (914-737-8294 — Prayer Shawl).

From Norean~

At this time I am not sure if nursing facilities will accept lap blankets in December. I will update this in November. Therefore, I am suggesting we concentrate on knitting scarves and hats for the Deacon’s Gift Tree at the December Pantry Plus. For information and yarn delivery call Norean at 914-962-4370.

From Marianna~

Terri, Sue and Marianna met with Marylou to give our Linus Blankets that had been knitted and crocheted. We were in the back at the Labyrinth and then loaded Marylou’s car. Here is the picture of the blankets, all 79 of them, taken at Marylou’s home. We sent them on their way with a prayer ready for them to do their comforting. All are welcome to help us bring joy to children. Thanks to those who contributed their knit/crochet talents: Odette Watthews, Pat Prauda, Gail Roell, Terri Froehlich, Sue Nelson, Fran Schiel and Marianna Sherman
