News from the Mission Commission – September 2020

Noon Time Meal is going well under these new circumstances. We were asked to increase our numbers a little this past month to 36 from 30, which we were able to do.

Jan Peek Meal has been so far very successful using a drop off method with no contact. Thank you to Beth Coccodrilli and Amy Coccodrilli Families for the July Meal and for the August meal we thank Carolyn Braverman, Sue Caruso, Christine Lazarus and Emily Monk (and to Mike Delany who supplied and cut up a watermelon). Thank you to all. We still need families for November 28th so if you are interested please give Pat a call. Please continue to drop off your bottles & cans at the church. They are picked up at least once a week and redeemed. All monies redeemed go to support Mission.

Until we can open our building to small gatherings, our Knit Togethers and Prayer Shawl Teams continue to knit/crochet at home. If you need yarn or project guidance contact Norean (914-962-4370 — Knit Togethers) or Marianna (914-737-8294 — Prayer Shawl).

From Norean:

While self-isolating for 90 days and now semi-isolating, I am knitting scarves for the Deacons December Gift Tree at the Food Pantry. All knitters please join me; it is easy and fun! Pick up your needles #7-#10, cast on 22-30 stitches and knit, knit, knit for 45” to 60”. For more information and yarn delivery, call Norean at 914-962-4370. We are also busy knitting hats, scarves, and lap blankets for giving to others.

From Marianna:

Sue, Terri and I met at the Labyrinth in the shade at a picnic table for prayer and knitting in August. Since we couldn’t be inside we were out. We will try and do this again. Anyone that would like to join us, we would be happy to have you and see you there. It almost felt normal. Call me if you would like to gather with us so that we can make sure our group can maintain a safe distance.

From our Mental Health Initiative (MHI) Team — Like the parable of the Good Samaritan, we are called to help our neighbors when others may look away. While not a counseling service and certainly not making any diagnoses, the MHI team hopes to empathize with those who may feel anxious or depressed, and help with everyday stress and strain – while also acknowledging that some people suffer from much more serious problems. Especially now! We are a subcommittee of missions and deacons. Please contact either Pastor or Jennifer Burns with questions, or if you would like to help out. One of our efforts will be to “Educate – Build Awareness – Reduce Stigma.” As part of this, please see this graphic  produced by NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) that addresses the “ripple effect” of mental illness.

In August, we held a clothing drive for St. Christopher’s Inn, a residential drug and alcohol treatment program in Garrison, NY. The men, ages 18 -75, who complete the program are presented with nice clothing that they can use as they begin the next chapter of their lives. Thank you for your amazing generosity and stay tuned for future drives!
