Get ready to receive your Daily GIFT this fall!

After the success of our daily Checking Our Pulse email devotions last spring, we will be starting up again on Monday, September 21st, with a new Daily GIFT.

GIFT stands for Growing In Faith Together. In the midst of these unusual and stressful times, the Faith4Life Team thought it would be a good idea to focus on the basics of our faith, the thread that Tami spoke about in her article and which keeps us grounded when everything else seems to be changing all around us.

We are going to focus our daily GIFTs on the 100 Things Every Christian Should Know, which is based on the book 100 Things Every Child Should Know Before Confirmation by Presbyterian pastor Rebecca Kirkpatrick. Just as our Sunday School classes aim to prepare our children and youth to affirm their faith and live it in the world, so these daily devotions and our Faith4Life study groups will help all of us grow in faith together and live our faith more authentically in the world.

Stay tuned for more information in the weeks to come!
