Help Us Bring the Bible to Life

When you read the Bible, do you “see” images? Do you “smell” the flowers? “Taste” the fruit? The Faith Formation Commission invites you to use your imagination and help us bring the Bible to life. Here’s the plan:

  • Pick a Bible story or scripture passage that speaks to you. Stay tuned for list of Bible stories and themes to spark your creativity.
  • You provide your imagination and paint, draw, sculpt, photograph, quilt, dance, write a poem, build a Lego model or [fill in the blank with your creative talent] to illustrate the passage.
  • Write a brief statement reflecting on how the passage spoke to you and what it was like to create a piece of art about it.
  • If you would some help or support with your art project, we will connect you with a volunteer mentor artist from the congregation.


See a discussion of the project from Connie Knapp and Eric Kreuter.

We would like to display your creations at a community art show in Spring 2021.

We encourage submissions by individuals, families, groups of friends, or even entire commissions! Submission form and list of mentors to follow. Questions? Contact Connie ( or Eric (

Artist Mentors Wanted

Do you paint or draw? Take photographs? Quilt? Build models? Are you a Lego expert? Is there some other artistic medium you use to express yourself?

“Bringing the Bible to Life” is a project of the Faith Formation Commission that invites members of the congregation to illustrate Bible scenes using whatever medium they choose: painting, sculpting, photography, sewing, etc.

The goal is a community show to be held in the Spring of 2021 where all submissions will be displayed.

  • We are looking for artist mentors to provide guidance, suggestions and support.
  • We will be providing Scripture passages for members of the congregation to illustrate in any way they choose.

We’d like to also provide a list of artist mentors, members of the congregation who would be willing to be available if needed.Artist mentors will be encouraged to submit something also, so know that serving as a mentor doesn’t prevent you from participating in the project.

If you are willing and able to accept our invitation, please contact Connie Knapp (, or Eric Kreuter ( and let us know that you’d like to volunteer, and also tell us the medium (or media) you work in!
