Deacons – How We are Helping Those in Need

Connecting with Our Congregation During Covid19

Praying Together

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving. (Colossians 4:2)

The Board of Deacons is re-organizing the prayer ministry at FPCY, and we need your help!

  1. We need pray-ers. Prayer is something that anyone and everyone can do! We can even teach you, if you want to learn. No matter how young or old, big or small, mobile or stuck at home, everyone can pray. If you would like to be involved with our Prayer Ministry, please let us know at
  2. Praying for people on the front lines. We would like to compile a list of everyone connected to our congregation who is working on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic –health care workers, first responders, essential service providers, funeral home workers, store clerks etc. We will be giving their names to at least 2 people in our church who will commit to praying for them every day. If you or someone in your family or someone you know is working in any of these areas, please send us their information (name, job, connection to you) to For example: Ben Herman, EMT, son of Bill & Christie Herman; Casey Peterson, NYC criminologist working in the morgue, son of Judy & Dave Peterson, grandson of Marianna & Ken Sherman; Ali Winget, nurse at Hudson Valley Hospital, daughter of Jean & John Winget. If you would like to pray for our front line folks, please let us know at Stay tuned for more prayer opportunities coming soon!

~The Prayer Ministry Team

Card Ministry

These times are filled with challenges, uncertainties, unknown and unplanned situations. This new reality is causing us to come to grips with how important human connection really is. In an attempt to continue that feeling of connection and care for each other, the Deacons are communicating by phone, texts and emails with members of our congregation. Through this program, we hope to help alleviate the pain and isolation that members may be feeling and make sure everyone’s needs are being met.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15)

In this world there’s so much negativity and sending a card is something that is not done as often as it used to be. So, it is appreciated and something that will stand out. The Card Ministry, based within the Deacons, supports the congregation by sending cards to anyone of the members in need, celebration or concern. The people who receive cards are often suggested through Joys and Concerns, emails to me from our pastors and/or Jean Post-Winget, Deacon’s chair. In addition, members who are over 80 years old are sent birthday, anniversary, Easter and Christmas cards yearly. Younger members are sent birthday cards at 21and after that birthdays on the 5s. (25, 30 35, ….to 80). New members and Confirmation class members are sent cards upon completing their classes and welcomed. Sympathy, Get Well and Thinking of You cards are sent as needed. For all cards sent out through the Card Ministry, a note is added stating that this card is from our faith family here at FPCY and the Deacons. We extend congratulations, regards, sympathy, welcome, prayers, etc to the recipient depending on the type of card sent and I then sign the card with my name. For the month of April thus far 51 cards have been sent. Of these, 27 were Easter cards, 7 Welcome, 6 Birthday, 6 Sympathy, 2 Get Well, 2 Thinking of You, and 1 Anniversary. I joined the Deacons in January and took over the Card Ministry in February. So far, I am pleased to be able to reach out to members in this way and hopefully bring cheer and love and support through the cards.

~Nancy Paskin, for the Deacons
