Youth Virtual Meetings April 1

Last Wednesday, we had our first ever Youth Gatherings via Zoom, and it was so great that we’re going to do it again this week.

Our groups will meet at the following times on Wednesday, April 1:
Middle School Youth – 5 pm
High School Youth – 7 pm

Get the meeting instructions from Steph, or check your email!

And… In case you missed it, church services have been streaming at 10:45 on Sunday mornings via Facebook Live at

You don’t need a Facebook account to sign in and your family can watch and participate in them live, or go back and watch them at another time.

But here’s the thing, Tami, Chip, Garrett, and the tech team are getting pretty lonely in the sanctuary all by themselves, so they’re asking folks to send in a picture of themselves or their family that they can print out and put in the pews.

Is your picture there yet? If not, take a selfie and email it to (that’s prayer, with no “s” at the end), so that Chip and Tami have more smiling faces to talk to and Garrett has more smiling faces to play for on Sunday mornings until we can all be back together again in person.

You can also use that email address to send in any prayer requests that you have, like the way we usually do Joys and Concerns on Sunday morning, but now you can ask for prayers anytime.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!

