Project Linus

In the middle of April, six of us who are members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry of the church met with Cindy Read —  a volunteer from the Project Linus and presented her with 52 blankets made by us in the last few months.

Project Linus is a non-profit organization dedicated to “Providing Security Through Blankets” to ill or traumatized children and teens. We heard stories about a teen who only had a towel to wrap her new born infant in and a mother who never got to hold her new baby before she died, but was so grateful for the Linus blanket that had been wrapped around the baby and then given to her.

This group was begun in 1995 and we have been donating hand knit blankets to them for the last few years. There are about 400 chapters and the chapter we donate to covers Westchester County. We either buy the yarn or use any that is donated to us.

Beside Project Linus we make Prayer Shawls for those who need some extra love and Christening Blankets to all children who are baptized in our church.

We meet before the women’s circle on the first Wednesday of the month at 9:30a.m. and the third Wednesday at 10:30a.m.


Marianna Sherman
Teri Froehlich
Aloha Hicks
Gail Roell
Renee Brown
Fran Schiel
and our new member Ann Defeo
