What’s New with Operations? – May 24, 2011

What’s New with Operations? (5/24/11)

  1. Clemco Construction has been making excellent progress on painting of the outside of the Sanctuary. The Front outside wall has been completed including the white columns which really needed attention. The East Wall has been sanded, primed, caulked and many boards re-nailed.
  2. Jose has began our planned painting work on the outside walls of the Memorial Garden and on the two peaks above the roof line of Fellowship Hall and the Board Room. Much sanding has been completed and priming will start soon.
  3. A major drainage project has been completed at the Manse. Two new weep-lines have been installed to help with water from the water-shed which had been collecting in swales in the back and side yards. This effort was phase II of our drainage plan. A very big THANK YOU to Bud Coccodrilli, Matt Hager, Jose Sandoval and Chip Low for helping with this big job!
  4. All three of the new food pantry cabinets have been installed, reinforced and heavy-duty bases put  in place. Two of the old cabinets have been “re-furbed” and placed in Room #2. The third old food pantry cabinet is at my home for refurb. It needs more work than did the others.
  5. A big THANK YOU to Fran Proceller and Dick Hunter for completing the insulated box in the rear of the Sanctuary which allows the Sanctuary sump pump to work in freezing weather. This is a big improvement  and can now be checked off from our list of projects.
  6. A big THANK YOU to Walter Oudheusden, Bill Talbot, Bud Coccodrilli and Greg Mack for helping with the final raking of gravel off the berms so that our contractor can perform the annual maintenance on both the North lots and driveway. This work should begin in a week or so depending upon the weather.
  7. Another big THANK YOU to Craig Hibben for his work to refurb the median strip in the North Lots. Also, a big THANK YOU to Matt Hager for helping me with the removal of the stumps in the median strip to prepare for Craig’s follow-on work.
  8. Virtually all of the cabling work for our Wi-Fi and internet connections has now been completed. This will allow me to finish the cabling raceways and cabling cabinet at the rear of the Sanctuary. I plan to put a new tilt-up port in the floor beneath the pulpit so that power and internet will be readily available.
  9. New carpeting has been installed in the Narthex and on the Chancel. This is “cut-pile” carpet of excellent quality. A single piece of carpet has been used in both places so there will be no seams to pull and separate. This carpeting provides an accent to the carpeting in the Sanctuary and will significantly dress-up the entrance and the Chancel. Also, the many seams which have been pulling apart in the Sanctuary carpet have been repaired with carpet removed from the Narthex. In our long-range plan, we hope to be able to “recarpet” the Sanctuary in 2015.

Please let me know of any issues that need to be addressed. Thanks! Dick Seymour for Operations Commission.
