The Deacons’ Bereavement Ministry

April is here, and the joy of Easter awaits us. But before we get to Easter, we must go through Good Friday. The painful loss of someone held dear to us is something we all experience in our lifetimes. As Deacons, we help people through their shock and grief with our Bereavement Ministry. Church members, or anyone who asks for a funeral service in our church, are eligible for this service.

There are two aspects to the Bereavement Ministry. First, Deacons host a reception for the family after a funeral or memorial service held at the church. Families supply the food, and Deacons host the reception. We set up the Fellowship Hall to accommodate the size of the reception and type of food/refreshments served. Some families have a small service followed by light refreshments; others anticipate a large turnout and choose to provide a full luncheon. Either way, we are there to assist.

We also provide a series of 4 booklets to families who are grieving, called “Journey Through Grief”. The booklets are sent out over the course of the first year after the loss. A short note of comfort is sent along with each booklet. Positive feedback has been received from the recipients of these booklets. I can personally attest to the value of these publications.

Anyone in need of this support can contact the church office, or Carol Cornish, who is our Deacon Coordinator for the Bereavement Ministry.

~Patrick J. Burns III, Vice-Moderator of Deacons
