FPCY’s “Got Talent”! Supporting our DR Mission Trip

We are going to have our Second Annual Talent Show!!  So….On April 7 of 2019 we will share music and maybe dancing or maybe storytelling or something else!!?

John Winget will help you hook up with accompanists and get someone to help with setting up use of equipment…microphones, music stands, etc.

Notice of your wish to participate should be received by no later than March 31st. jwingetpt@yahoo.com
All proceeds will help support our team headed to the Dominican Republic this summer July 27 – August 4. Our team will be traveling with Bridges to Community to work in La Guama in Western DR, a community where 60% of residents live under the poverty line. Working alongside local community members and masons, we will be building a solid, cinder block house for a family whose current housing is inadequate and unsafe. 
Our FPCY volunteers will be covering the cost of their plane tickets and meals, and we are asking the congregation and friends to partner with us to provide funding for other expenses related to the project; our goal is $9,000.
 $9,000 pays for building supplies for the home we will be constructing and provides salary for masons, cooks, and translators in an area where there are few opportunities for employment outside of farming, an industry which is highly susceptible to change in the climate and global market shifts. Money raised also funds development and public health projects in the area that Bridges to Community facilitates on an ongoing basis – projects as varied as building latrines to organizing community meetings for youth and adults that focus on empowerment, cooperation, and health. 