Youth Meetings Today October 28

Youth Groups meet today, Sunday, 10/28. Join us as we talk about Hope!
Middle School: 4:30 to 6pm & 
High School: 6 to 8 pm
Find us in the Youth Lounge, aka Room 4. Enter through the Pre-school doors, behind the playground.
And while we’re here, let’s talk about November: 
November 11-12: All Youth 24-Hour Mission Trip 
Sign up by Nov. 1 for our trip to Broadway Presbyterian Church in New York City, November 11-12. All Middle and High School students – and adventurous adults – are invited!
Come volunteer in the Broadway Community’s 4-Star Soup Kitchen, the Clothes Closet, and learn about how BPC reaches out to the folks in need in and around their community. 
Meet at FPCY at 3:30 pm on Sunday, November 11, Veteran’s Day, and return on Monday, November 12 at approximately 4 pm. 
Cost: $30 – covers meals and a donation to the outreach ministries of Broadway Presbyterian. Scholarships available. 
Sign up online by going to:
November 18 – 4 pm: Yorktown Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, followed by Interfaith Youth Activity at Yorktown United Methodist Church. Please join us for an opportunity to worship together with out friends and neighbors from many different faith traditions, followed by fun for Youth.