Peace and Global Witness Sunday, November 11

Richard Witt, Executive Director of the Rural & Migrant Ministry, will be our special guest preacher at both services on Peace & Justice Sunday (November 11th). Ordained as an Episcopal priest, he has served in congregations in New York and Massachusetts and as a chaplain at Vassar College, and participated in many non-profit organizations throughout the Northeast.

In between services, he will teach an adult education class focussed on the issues faced by migrant workers in NY state and how RMM is helping (via education, leadership development, and advocacy) to address local, state, and national policies and structures that deny farmworkers and other rural workers equality, justice, and hope.

Following the late service, he will join us in the library for the Sermon for Lunch, during which time there will be further opportunities to learn about an important issue that often remains hidden from our view, and to discuss potential mission opportunities for our congregation.

The Peace & Global Witness Offering (collected at any time, but especially on November 11) enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice across the world. Our church will contribute 25% of this offering to Rural and Migrant Ministry. Mid councils retain an additional 25% for ministries of peace and reconciliation. The remaining 50% is used by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to advocate for peace and justice in cultures of violence, including our own, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness. You may contribute to this offering using your special envelope, with a check marked “peacemaking,” or online.
