May Midnight Run Report


Our May Midnight Run was quite successful — all of the clothes, toiletry kits and food were given out! There was little to clean up other than the soup pot and rinse out coffee urns. We wish to thank you for all donations of lunches, underwear and socks, and for your time (sorting clothes, soup making, lunch prep). A special shout out to the Youth Group for making soup and to the Lunch Bunch who not only filled extra toiletry kits to help us consolidate extra toiletries for storage but they also came and worked together on a Friday to make lunches. Daniel Hager, one of our teens who went on the Run, said his highlight was talking to a homeless Vet who was waiting housing placement, hopefully in Peekskill. Steph Hare told us that they told the gentleman that many in the group live nearby and would look forward to meeting him in Peekskill someday. They had quite a nice conversation with him.

Hospitality offered, a connection established for the day and a possible connection for the future; a very successful Midnight Run indeed, since this is the main purpose — to offer God’s love and hospitality to those who are marginalized on the street, especially Veterans.
