Our New Security System

At the March meeting, Session approved the installation of a new security system for our church building which will give us greater control over who has access to the building and when. There are three basic components to the system:

  • Controlled access at exterior doors: The keyed locks for all exterior doors will be replaced with a key fob system that will be programmed, monitored and controlled electronically by Lisa Flanagan, our Office Manager. Church members and outside groups will be assigned key fobs that allow them access to the building through specified doors at specified times, based on their needs. Key fobs cannot be replicated, but they can be deactivated if lost or misused. Doors will be programmed to be open during Sunday mornings and other times when the building is in use by a lot of people and groups.
  • Video Intercom system: A video intercom system will be installed at three main entrances – the Office Door, the Gathering Space door, and the Preschool entrance. If the doors are locked, people can ring a video doorbell, and access can be granted by either the office manager or the preschool staff.
  • Cameras at Preschool Entrances: Two cameras will be installed at the exterior and interior entrances to the preschool so we can monitor who is accessing the space during preschool hours.


Many thanks to Matt Hager, Vinny Wallace, Randy Pratt, Lisa Flanagan, and Tami & Chip for their thorough work in assessing options, evaluating proposals, and making recommendations to Operations
