Solarize Our Congregation Information Meeting March 18

On Sunday, March 18, at 4 pm we will be holding an information session about “Solarize Our Congregation.” All members of our church family, congregants from other Presbyterian churches in our area, those who share our facility, as well as commercial and non-profit businesses in the lower Hudson valley are invited to attend.

Solarize Our Congregation provides affordable, quality solar installations to churches, congregants and friends of congregants across 80 Presbyterian churches spread over eight counties in New York’s Hudson Valley. This unique initiative is offered in partnership with HRP Green, the environmental committee of the Hudson River Presbytery. The proven Solarize model employs a group discount pricing structure, a competitively selected solar installer, and community-based outreach and education to bring the benefits of solar energy to the community. 

The Solarize Our Congregation opportunity is available to:

  • Presbyterian churches for their church-owned property
  • Homeowners within the Hudson River Presbytery region – members of congregations and nesting congregations, friends of congregants, all welcome!
  • Commercial and non-profit property owners within the Hudson River Presbytery region.


Check here for more information about the “Solarize Our Congregation” program.
