Youth News – November 2017

Thank you to everyone who came to the Lock-In on Columbus weekend! We had a ton of fun.

And thanks to everyone from the congregation who donated supplies for the hygiene kits we assembled at
the Lock-In! Thanks to everyone’s donations of washcloths, nail clippers, soap and other items, we were able to put together 60 kits. These will be distributed by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to help people who
have to evacuate their homes when disasters strike.

In addition to making hygiene kits, we also baked some extra fancy brownies and made a late night brownie delivery to the Yorktown Volunteer Ambulance Corps as a way of saying thank you to our neighborhood First Responders who keep our communities safe. Big thanks to the adults who came to assist at the Lock-In – those who stayed up late and those who got up really early – we couldn’t have done it without you!

This month, we will be meeting on November 12.

On November 19, all youth and families are invited to attend and take part in the annual Yorktown Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, which is happening at The Church of the Good Shepherd in Granite Springs. This service is going to be interactive, intercultural, and a great chance to get to know our neighbors from other faith communities in Yorktown.

The service starts at 4 pm – we will meet at FPCY to carpool at 3:30.
